Top Ten: Pub Trivia Teams
Illustrations by Matthew Elliott
If it’s Tuesday night in Ida Noyes, it must be Pub Trivia. Formerly held every week that classes were in session, the decade-old game now happens four times a quarter. But before there is quizzing, the teams must name themselves. Most do so with wordplay, some with flair, few with propriety—at a conservative estimate, 60 percent of the past team names triviameister Erik Cameron shared with us were unfit for print in this publication. Here are some of our favorites of the rest.
10. Carry On, My Wayward Pun
9. We Lost Our Cobra in the Pub—Keep Your Feet Up!
8. The Wrath of Kant!
7. Double Entendre (If You Know What I Mean)
6. Slaughterhouse 5, Cows 0
5. Condoleeza Rice Krispie Treats
4. George Washington Schlepped Here
3. Future Incarcerated Governors of Illinois
2. Durkheimlich Maneuver
1. The Taming of the Shrewd