Pasta with jam sauce
With West Collins, son of actor Misha Collins, AB’97, cooking requires a deep interrogation of the word “edible.”
Carrie Golus, AB’91, AM’93 (@carriegolus)
Misha Collins, AB’97, and Victoria Vantoch, AB’97, have two children: son West, 6, and daughter Maison, 4. Judging by their YouTube cooking show, Collins and Vantoch also have a superabundance of parental patience and good humor.
Episodes of Cooking Fast & Fresh with West! typically begin with a trip to the grocery store, where West roams/runs through the aisles, selecting random ingredients. He combines these ingredients in novel ways, while Collins assists and supplies deadpan cooking-show narration. (Vantoch tends to stay behind the camera.) “This phase is really important,” Collins explains as three-year-old West squeezes butter between his fingers and smears it around a skillet. “You can’t take shortcuts … this part can take five to seven minutes.”
The most recent episode, posted last May, of Cooking Fast & Fresh with West (and Maison)! focused on extreme baking. “Content Advisory: Graphic Culinary Violence,” the video description warns. Both a drill and a circular saw are involved.
Collins, who has a taste for the madcap, runs a charity scavenger hunt, the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen (GISHWHES). (Collins and Vantoch were enthusiastic Scav participants.) Item #38 on the 2014 GISHWHES list: “Prepare West Collins’ Pasta with Jam Sauce and have a noted food critic review it. It must be a qualified, published critic.”
“The sauce was pleasingly robust, fruity but not too sweet,” Providence Cicero, Seattle Times restaurant critic, wrote about one team’s dish. “Its many ingredients were well-balanced, although I failed to detect much cheesy flavor from the goldfish crackers. I particularly liked the chocolate and orange notes.”
- 10 strawberry jam
- “So many” tomato sauce from a can
- 5 inches carrot juice
- All of the orange juice
- 1 bag chocolate chips
- ¾ bag goldfish crackers
- 8 inches fresh blackberries
- 1 red delicious apple
- 1 box wheel-shaped pasta
- 1 jar tomato sauce
- Mix a small amount of the carrot juice into the canned tomato sauce then mix a small amount of the canned tomato sauce with the bit of carrot juice in it into the jam. Then gently add a bit of the jam with tomato sauce and carrot juice mixture in it back into the carrot juice. Repeat.
- Pour all remaining ingredients into the large mixing bowl. Wearing goggles, beat vigorously with one beater inside the bowl and one outside.
- Boil until thick and brown. Serve immediately. Serves 3.
Watch the original video on YouTube.